Friday, July 30, 2010

The HISTORIC UK Coalition - The Deals

Telegraph: Reviews yesterdays BBC documentary on the formation of the UK Coalition Government in May. It was a interesting programme, the only missing person was the dour Gordon Brown, but then having Gordon as Gordon might have sent the viewing figures down. Lord Peter Mandelson did his usual of putting the knife in to former UK PM Gordon Brown, Mandelson confirms the old saying, the last man standing is the winner! Brown seems to be in self exile in Scotland with the odd visit down to his place of paid employment, its got green benches, just in case Gordon Brown has missed the point of his election as an MP. The one aspect that was missing was the fact that leading Labour MPs made it clear that Labour had lost and they in essence should make way for a new government, this was a odd exception to a great show, this was worth the cost of the licence that the UK voters pay for the BBC.

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