Sunday, July 04, 2010

Coalition Break over Referendum Vote ?

Telegraph: Reports that Lord Ashdown the former Liberal Democrat Leader has stated the Party will not walk away from the Coalition should it lose the Referendum on a change to the UK voting system. The question has to be asked what happens if backbench Tories and Labour MPs force an amendment through that states that for any change in the voting system must be approved by 40% of electorate. Thus the Lib Dems might win a Referendum but due to a low voter turn out lose the referendum. The Labour Party will place political minefields in the way of the Referendum vote, although a majority of the Leadership Candidates support a new voting system the Referendum Bill also balances the numbers of electors needed to elect an MP, thus this will hit inner City Labour MPs and help rural Torie MPs. This referendum could still bring down the Coalition folks.

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