Sunday, July 18, 2010

Civil War in Labour Party - Lord Mandelson

BBC News: Reports Lord Mandelson is blaming ex Labour PM Gordon Brown for not allowing Tony Blair when he was Prime Minister from reforming the public sector. The Dark Prince has taken hostile fire from the candidates for the Labour Leadership over his memoirs, but in the Campbell Diaries and Mandelson Memoirs you see all the shine taken away from Labour, at the end of the day Gordon Brown when Chancellor was not going to allow PM Blair to have a major success in the domestic field, from 1994 to 2007 Gordon Brown resented that he has given way to Tony Blair and that Blair had become leader and PM. Thus failure of Blair/Brown to deal with welfare reform has been left in the lap of the new Coalition Government, also in the economic boom years the Labour Party did not save for a rainy day, thus the 25% - 40% cuts that the new government has to set in place. As in the 1970s the Labour Party ruined the economy now the new Coalition Government has to clean up the mess of New Labour, the blame is at the feet of Blair and Brown.

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