Tuesday, June 15, 2010

On the Brink of FAILURE?

Daily Mail: Reports on the view from on High at the EU that Spain, Portugal and Greece could fall as democracies due to their debt. The one thing this blog can guarantee is that Spain, Portugal and Greece will not be take over by Coups, if the EU really think this is an outcome they are very out of it, this scare story is just a spin to get money to bailout the EU countries who cant say NO to the welfare state, the UK should tell Spain, Portugal and Greece to take a running jump in to the Med, cut your welfare state, allow private business to grow, the State cant be the major employer of people, that leads to Cuba or the late USSR, thus time for EU countries to grow up, the EU has to get off the idea that the welfare state is the end result of policy, it has to get off its backside and work.

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