Friday, June 11, 2010

Obama 48% Disapprove = Gallup

Gallup: Reports on its latest daily tracking polls on Obama's performance as President, its not good news for the President, President Obama has a 44% approval rating, while 48% disapprove of the job performance of Obama. Its not just the oil spill that has hurt Obama in the polls, its the general arrogance of the White House, you can be arrogant but you better be right, Obama argued to Democrats that once health care reform was passed the voters would support the move, the last poll had nearly 70% opposed to ObamaCare, when it comes to Watergate style use of job offers to get people to throw races this does not look like what Obama offered on the Campaign trial in 2008, what is worse is the fact that Obama has moved Chicago methods in to Oval and used Bill Clinton as one of his operatives. Thus we come to the oil spill, one has to think the Olympic Gods thought one way to show that Obama could not walk on water was to create a crisis deep in the water, thus the present problems for the President. One can postulate in less Obama is very lucky the Mid Term Congressional Elections are going to be a nightmare, very much like Bill Clinton had in 1994. The question that has to be asked does Obama have the talent to recover or are we seeing another Jimmy Carter with charisma. Iran is the next problem for Obama, and that could be much worse for the Oval.

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