Thursday, June 24, 2010

66 NOT OUT !

The Independent: Reports that men after 2016 will get a pension at 66 and a companies can no longer sack men at 65. This is taking the bull by the horns folks, lets get it straight folks, we the PEOPLE are living well beyond past generations, if you have a somewhat healthy life style you can retire at 65 and live to around a 100 or more, thus one can postulate if your in your 30s or late 40s now you wont retire till your 70 or ever later. Thus the old welfare system will head for the ash heap of the old USSR, the modern NHS can keep you kicking well in your hundreds, lets recall those old soldiers from World War One, they lived well in to their 90s even after 101. The future generations have to get the fact that it’s a new dawn, the compact of 1945 between work and benefits is over, just smell the coffee and eat and drink well.

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