Sunday, May 16, 2010

NYT and National Security

The New York Times: Reports on the use of private contractors as spies in Afghanistan and Pakistan to give the US Army the latest threat matrix on the threats form the Taliban to Al Qaeda. What is it with the liberal New York Times, it seems that they want US Soldiers to get killed by the Taliban and Al Qaeda, the operation from the article has been effective in attacking the threat form Afghanistan and Pakistan, and what does the extreme liberal New York Times do but have a flashback to the 1960s, what if Obama under pressure from the left was to close down this operation and US soldiers and US civilizations that would not have been killed are killed due to the fact that the US does not have the information form this region, it is time for the extreme liberal NYT to grow up, does the NYT support the US or Al Qaeda. And that folks is a serious question.

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