Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Money Markets

Telegraph: Reports on the sharp fall of Shares on Wall Street due to bad economic news, the raise of the jobless rate and the action of Germany to restrict the money markets. The US is heading to having a sovereign debts of thirteen trillion folks, that’s 94% of the Gross National Product, the US recession is real on main street, the raise of the jobless rate shows that any recovery is a jobless recovery, lot of people out of work seeking jobs and those that have given up, the Obama economic plan has failed folks, all those bailouts and the US jobless rate is going up, not down, the US voter has to decide does it have the guts to swing the axe when it comes to public spending, the politicians will only promise you more handouts, they don’t have the nerve to tell the voter that the good days are over, the Government cant look after from the birth to death, the people have to look after themselves because the Government is broke folks, in money and spirit. Thus the voter will have a chance to show they are grown up by voting for the Party that will tell them the truth in the Mid Term Congressional Elections, deep cuts and tax raises, also the repeal of Obama’s health care plan, this is the time for the US voter to show that they deserve the vote.

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