Saturday, May 08, 2010

Brown vs Clegg

Telegraph: Has an article on a BBC report on a heated argument between PM Brown and Lib Dem leader Nick Brown, it seems Brown is not keen on making way for a new Labour Leader to work with the Lib Dems. Thus as stated Nick Clegg is King maker after the May 6th election, the Lib Dems and Conservatives are in talks about forming a political pact, it is still on going at this moment in time, as has been reported the Labour Party and Lib Dems are having shadow talks should the talks fail between Clegg and Cameron. As to if its a good idea for the Conservatives to do a Pact with the Lib Dems this blog is reserving its judgement on that issue, lets see how the hours and days go by first, lets see who has the personal chemistry to work together for their own sake and the UK.

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