Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Shadow War - UK Election 2010

Telegraph: Reports on the shadow war within the Labour Party, on one side you have the supporters of PM Gordon Brown who want him to stay as PM after a deal with the LibDems after May 6th and others who want to throw him under the next bus to get a deal with the LibDems after May 6th. The UK voter should take notice of this shadow war, this is the kind of war that will happen after every election should the neither the major Parties gain an overall majority in the House of Commons. If the LibDems from a pact with the Labour Party they will demand reform of the electoral system, this would mean that the LibDems would always be in power, they would always decide who would be the King makers, you could never get rid of them, that is a threat to the UK system. Its a kind of permanent one Party rule. Thus UK voter this is a wake up call, this is your alarm call from the future.

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