Thursday, April 08, 2010

The Left and the New Start Treaty

Mother Jones: Reports that the new Start Treaty has some Republican support from those that worked for Ronald Reagan and Bush 41, the article states that if the Treaty is blocked by Republican Senators this could cause "......criticism from Republicans and that a campaign of obstruction against the treaty could cause a split on the right. " As stated yesterday the liberal elite are worried that Obama might face defeat in the 2012 Presidential Election. These liberals see the attack ads already, that Obama sold out the Czech Republic for a peace of paper, in the form of Neville Chamberlain. Also the humiliation of the Israeli PM shows that Obama is more interested in bowing to the elite press viewpoint than supporting an Ally. Thus the Elite Media is trying to cover Obama with making connections to Ronald Reagan, either through Reagan’s aim to get rid of nuclear weapons or to get former Reagan Admin Officials to support Obama’s Foreign Policy. There is a problem folks, Obama is no Reagan, neither tough or pragmatic, Obama is just another copy of Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale.

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