Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tehran Today

The Times: Reports on the failure of the dissent movement today in Iran, on the anniversary of the 1979 Revolution the Tehran Regime owned the street, that ownership was through violence but they won. The Green movement has to decide does it want to win, it can only win by armed unrest, it has to take up arms, the Obama Administration should funnel arms to those in dissent in Iran. The CIA as it did in the 80s in Nicaragua should cause havoc to the economy of Iran, also the CIA should support a Government in Exile, fund it and make sure they have one aim, the destruction of the Tehran Regime. The day Iran gets the bomb the game changes, it will be like North Korea, the Obama Administration will have no choice but to talk under threat of blackmail, but the difference between Korea and Iran is Israel, Israel will not allow a nuclear armed Iran, thus that will leave two bad choices for Obama, either Israel takes action or the USA will have to attack Iran. That simple and brutal folks.

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