Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Obama SPIN on his Stimulus Bill

The New York Times: Reports on the latest attempt by President Obama to sell his perceived success with his economic package, the article states the following on the Obama spin, " has created or saved as many as two million new jobs, lowered taxes for 95 percent of Americans and spared the country a..........disastrous depression. ". At the start of the Obama Administration the spin was that if the Hill did not pass the Obama Economic Package the rate of those of work would go beyond 8%, it now 9.7%, it is expected that by the Mid Term Congressional Elections that the rate of those out of work will be between 10% and 11%. Thus by the empirical evidence the Obama Administration has failed, lets give it the benefit of doubt of money sent to districts that don't exist or jobs that don't exist, or numbers that are just wrong. In some states the rate of those out of work in nearly 20%, thus this is why Obama will lose House and is on the way to lose the Senate.

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