Tuesday, February 16, 2010

No 2nd Term for Obama ?

RCP Blog: Reports on a new poll by CNN News that has Obama losing his 2nd Term Bid. What is interesting is that poll has the same number for All Americans and those Registered to a Party. In both Polls 52% of voters say POTUS does not deserve a second term, while 44% support a second term for Obama. If your a political operator in the White House these kind of polls should make you very worried. On the one front you have Congressional Leadership that wants to ram health care reform through with the nuclear option of 51 votes in the US Senate, but on the other hand the US voter hates the plan. Then there is the Mid Term Congressional Elections in November, if the Republicans take the House and the Senate the Obama domestic agenda is dead on the Hill. Then you have a President in President Obama who has stated that he would rather be a a good one term President than a average two term President. The last problem is the most serious for the White House political team, if a President thinks that then he has read to many of his own press statements. The Obama White House needs someone you can speak truth to power, someone Obama cant throw under the bus, Ronald Reagan had Nancy Reagan, who does Obama have at his ear. The one issue that Obama needs to see go away is health care reform, but it seems that he is to weak to prevent a nuclear option by the Hill leadership, if the Hill passes their version of health care reform the Democrats will lose the House, Senate and Obama will lose the Oval in 2012.

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