Monday, February 08, 2010


BBC News: Reports that the USA sees more sanctions as the only option left for its Iran policy. The Tehran Regime knows that it needs the bomb or the Regime will fall and the leaders will be hanging from the nearest lamp post, thus the reality of Iran's nuclear plans does not matter, it would not matter if it was only on paper, the threat of a nuclear armed Iran has to look real or the regime is done. In some respects this is like Iraq, but the difference is that Iran has gone down the nuclear road, and it has the money to buy nuclear material or information from North Korea or Pakistan. Thus the threat might be long term for the rest of the world and even the region but Iran needs the world to react as if it has the bomb, and Obama Administration has no choice, it has looked foolish with Iran throwing sand in to its face, thus the Oval has to move down the road as if Iran has the bomb, thus tough sanctions, the reality does not matter, both sides have to much to lose, the Tehran regime would fall and Obama cant be sure how far Tehran has gone with its nuclear plans. Its a game folks, but the problem is that Israel sees it as a threat to its existence, a nuclear armed Iran might be a threat thus Israel has no choice, that is the real world folks. Lets hope Mossad has better info than the rest of the world.

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