Sunday, February 07, 2010

Iran and the BOMB

The New York Times: Reports on the news out of Iran that it will enrich its uranium by twenty percent, the article states the following on the reaction of Israel to the news, " affect Israel’s calculation about how far it is willing to allow Iran to get to a weapons capability....". If your in Israel you have to see how far President Obama can get the UN to act with tough sanctions, will China and Russia go along with the sanctions, if the UN is stuck will Obama take independent action to prevent Iran getting the bomb. If the above two don't work then Israel will have to confront that fact that it will have to take action, it cant be wrong on this or it could see the end of Israel by a nuclear strike from Iran. The question is that Israel has to ask will President Obama hit Iran if Israel is taken out, lets be honest, if your in Israel one would have doubts. Thus lets see what Obama says and does about Iran, the time for speeches is over, its the time for action from President Obama.

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