Sunday, December 06, 2009

The Game of Iran

RCP: Interesting article on an academic role playing on how to deal with Iran next year, Iran wins of course as a result. I think from reading the article that the players missed one sore point, if Israel was to hit Iran Obama could not do a Suez of 1956, when the Ike was critical of UK and French action in Egypt, the Israeli lobby is powerful on the Hill, also there are the Obama poll ratings, guess witch side the US voter would support, Iran or Israel, yes you got it folks, Israel. Thus Obama would have to come out and support the move and warn Iran that should they take action then the USA would support Israel. If Obama was slow the Congress would demand that he takes action, lets recall its the Mid Term Congressional Elections next year in the USA, who in the Hill wants to be in the bad books of the Israeli Lobby. As an old Democratic politician used to say, all politics is local, and Obama might have the Nobel Peace Prize but Israel might have the votes on the Hill and the will to attack Iran.

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