Thursday, October 15, 2009

The MIDDLE PATH for Afghanistan ?

LA Times: Reports that the Obama White House is looking at rejecting the recommendations of General McChrytal for a surge of between forty to eight thousand troops and sending twenty thousand or less troops to Afghanistan. Folks this would lose the war in Afghanistan and could lead to the fall of Pakistan, its the weak path supported by VP Biden. Also the gradual approach has been tried in Vietnam, it does not work, at the end of the day you would have about ninety thousand US troops and forty thousand NATO troops in theatre. This level of force would prevent the Taliban taking over the major cities but would leave the rest of Afghanistan in the hands of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, the terrorists could create bases in Afghanistan while also attacking Pakistan. The recent attacks by the Taliban of Pakistan have shown how weak the central government is in Pakistan, how much weaker they will be if the Taliban of Afghanistan and Pakistan can have secure bases in Afghanistan, outside the remit of the Army of Pakistan and without having to fight NATO. This would be the worse of both worlds, a war that the USA could not win but would not lose, also at the same time taking major casualties. If Obama is thinking this is his way out he his making a major mistake, this would make him the next LBJ.

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