Thursday, October 15, 2009


The New York Times: Reports that experts on Iran see the chance of deal between Iran and the UN on its nuclear development, the NYT writes the following, " The analysts cite a confluence of factors...Iran’s internal political crisis to the change in leadership in Washington,..." Also as the NYT points out its checkmate, Iran can make the bomb and the West is willing to cut a deal to stop the process. The above has logic except for one thing, its rubbish, Iran has seen that North Korea gets a semi Presidential visit from Bill Clinton because it has the bomb, the Obama Administration has no alternative it has to talk to North Korea, as the Times of London has reported North Korea can now place miniature warheads on to missiles, thus a threat to the region. Iran wants the bomb and it will play games with the UN and the West, it will hold the PARTY that the Liberal New York Times is falling in to place, no great surprise there, it covered for Stalin. The judge on how Iran's nuclear plans is not the UN or the West its Israel, Israel that is under real threat, thus if Obama falls for this line from Iran the Government of Israel will have not choice but to attack Iran. What is about totalitarian regimes that seems to attack the Liberal New York Times and Jimmy Carter, are they that Anti - American.

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