Friday, October 16, 2009

MI5 - Torture works, PEOPLE SAVED after 9/11

The Times: Reports on the speech by Director General of MI5, Jonathan Evans. Mr Evans has stated that after 9/11 MI5 needed information on Al Qaeda, thus took information that saved UK lives, this information was gained from abroad and the information was a matter of national security, how it was gotten in many respects after 9/11 was a secondary issue to the security of the state. Its easy looking back from 2009 to say that the UK over reacted to 9/11 and 7/7 but those that lived and saw those events thought that the USA and the UK would be attacked again in the near future. Thus the actions of the USA and UK under Bush 43 and Tony Blair have to bee seen in the context of the preservation of the state. This blog has stated many times that in a case of terrorism, the state has to what it has to do to protect its citizens. Thus the use of torture while not the first option if its the only choice left you use it, you pull nails out if need be to save life's. That's is why VIEWS really hates Al Qaeda, before 9/11 VIEWS would never have thought that the use of torture was justified at any price, but events change minds. In preventing the loss of innocent life's, the State has to do torture, or one day we will wake up again and a dirty or nuclear bomb has gone off, my conscience can take torture if it prevents another 9/11, what it could not take is weakness in its use and then the Innocent die. This is the real world folks, and the end of the its about survival.

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