Sunday, October 04, 2009

Inspection of Secret Nuclear Plant - Iran ( BBC Breaking News )

BBC News: Reports that the UN's IAEA will inspect Iran's secret nuclear plant on the 25 October 2009. If the UN and the Obama Administration falls for this cat and mouse game with Iran then they are foolish, Iran is playing a game. They want the bomb, they have seen how appeasing the USA has been to North Korea over its bomb. As stated Obama is the new Neville Chamberlain, he does not have the backbone to take on Iran, he has sold out Poland, Czech Republic for nothing, even the Liberal NYT has reported that Russia might say it support sanctions against Iran but when it comes to a vote it will make sure the sanctions are mild. In Afghanistan Obama is looking like he will throw the people of Afghanistan in to the bin to keep his left wing happy, it can be argued that those brave Armed Forces Personnel are being killed for nothing because their Commander in Chief will not support the soldiers in the fox holes. The USA voter have managed to elect a combination of Jimmy Carter and Neville Chamberlain, it is about time the American voter grew up, the cost of weakness in an American President is the loss of brave soldiers in Afghanistan. Thus in 2010 the American voter should vote in a Republican Congress and and in 2012 send Obama to be a warm act for Jimmy Carter.

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