Sunday, October 04, 2009

The US Death Toll in Afghanistan

BBC News: Reports that the US has lost eight soldiers in one day in Afghanistan. The situation in Afghanistan is on knife edge, this year alone according to the USA has lost 238 of its soldiers, since the start of the war in 2001 the USA has lost 868 of its Armed Forces Personnel. While President Obama does his Hamlet bit, the US action in Afghanistan is going down the toilet fast, the US Commander in Afghanistan, General McChrystal has stated that he needs another forty thousand soldiers to change the strategy in Afghanistan, move from killing the Taliban/Terrorists to the protect of the Afghan people. If Obama tries a middle path, more troops but not enough the President is guilty of sending people to their deaths because does not have the guts to take on his Liberal base. It more easy for this blog to be harsh on Obama on this subject due to the fact that while he checked in to and out of the US Senate to run for the Presidency this blog wanted out of Afghanistan. Thus blog is no 60s hippie throw back to Vietnam, but due to UK losses in Afghanistan has changed its viewpoint, to much blood has been left on the ground in Afghanistan for the West to allow the Taliban/Terrorists to win. Its not about vanity, if Afghanistan is take over how long Pakistan, thus the West has to win in Afghanistan, the bloody place.

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