Thursday, September 17, 2009

Selling OUT Eastern Europe ?

BBC News: Reports on the statement by President Obama that the US is to scrap the planned Missile Defence Bases in Poland and the Czech Republic to protect the USA and Europe from a missile threat from Iran. When I heard the news this morning that President Obama was to withdraw the Missile Defence Shield from Poland and the Czech Republic my mind turned to Munich of 1938 when the appeasement policy of Neville Chamberlain lead to the sacrifice of the then Czechoslovakia to Hitler. Then to 1945 when the Iran Curtain came down and the West allowed Poland to become a satellite of the then USSR. I was ready to call Mr Obama the heir to Neville Chamberlain, this would not be the first time, lets be honest folks. Thus a lesson wait till one gets all the facts, after the Presidential Statement the US Defence Secretary Robert Gates stated that the USA and Europe would be protected by Naval surveillance and interception, it has been tested and works, also the Defence Secretary stated that down the line that Poland and the Czech Republic could have land based missile defence. But the worry for the political operation of the Obama White House should be how many other people had the same thought, that Obama was selling out Easter Europe as to keep his Liberal base happy, also there is no real deal that Russia will go along with tough sanctions on Iran. The nightmare for President Obama is that he thinks he has a deal between the USA and Russia over Iran and when it comes to a vote at the UN the Russians do end run and veto any sanctions. Lets hope Obama has not looked in to the soul of the Russian bear and seen what his arrogant eyes wants to see, the price could be an invasion of the Ukraine by Russia. I did notice that in the short statement by the President that he stated that any attack on a NATO member is an attack on all, thus since Poland and the Czech Republic are part of NATO, this was a signal to Russia, don't see a mirage.

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