Thursday, September 17, 2009

Obama's Bad Timing on Missile Defence!

The New York Times: Reports that the Obama West Wing is losing its PR touch, the news of the scraping of a missile defence shield for Europe came on a historical significant date, the NYT writes the following, " But it made for unfortunate timing, as Thursday is the 70th anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Poland at the start of World War II,..." Thus it could be seen from the Polish view that their Western Allies as they did after World War Two have sold them down the river to the Russians. It takes a special kind of arrogance to miss this important date for Poland. It shows how risky this move is by the Obama White House that the Liberal New York Times goes out of its way to stress that Obama is not giving up on missile defence, in fact it will get to Europe faster. In other words the Liberal NYT knows Obama is in trouble over health care, they know he can not afford to be seen as a Neville Chamberlain, and more important he cant bee seen like that when its the day seventy years ago that Russia invaded Poland.

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