Sunday, September 20, 2009

Is Obama the next LBJ ?

The New York Times: Has lessons for the Obama Administration when it comes to health reform from the Administration of President Lyndon Johnson. I think the Liberal New York Times is missing a point here, Obama is no LBJ, Obama checked in to the US Senate and checked out to run for the Presidency, LBJ was the most effective Majority Leader in US Senate history. In many respects Obama has the charisma of JFK but charisma does not get you Bills passed in the Senate. As LBJ noted Kennedy could get nothing through the Congress, its one thing to be President it another to roll the Congress, LBJ and Reagan had the skills to roll the Congress, and in Reagan's case right over the Liberal Speaker Tip O' Neill. Obama in many respects has some serious domestic and international problems, the US Government has bailed out the banks, the economic sector, the card industry, now Obama wants to take over the US health sector, and on the international front, he has Iran that will go nuclear, he also has to deal with the real fact that Israel will never allow a nuclear armed Iran. Then there is Afghanistan becoming Obama's Vietnam, he does not want to be another LBJ forced out of the Presidency, in 1968 LBJ was forced out office due to the Tet offensive by the Viet Cong in South Vietnam. Obama wants a second term in 2012. The next few weeks will show if Obama can really manage the Congress, if he forces through a health care reform package with just Democratic votes the Republicans could vote with Democrats when it comes to Afghanistan to wreck the Obama Administration.

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