Friday, August 07, 2009

The Army of Pakistan vs The Taliban

The New York Times: Reports that the USA is worried that the Army of Pakistan wont follow through and attack the Taliban in South Waziristanm on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, know that the CIA has killed the Taliban Leader in Pakistan Baitullah Mehsud. One can understand the worry, in previous fights the Army has not had a good time in the region, the NYT writes the following, " American officials fear such a choice, given the example of failed negotiated settlements with militants in the lawless tribal areas, as well as in Swat. " The Obama Administration has to keep the pressure on the Government of Pakistan, the Army of Pakistan has to take on the Taliban/Terrorists and finish them off once and for all, the very existence of Pakistan is at stake, and to be more honest and brutal, its their nuclear weapons that are important. The Obama Administration must have nightmares of the Taliban/Terrorists getting their hands on nukes. Thus the Army of Pakistan must get USA Army help in fighting the Taliban/Terrorists. Pakistan has to understand that the real threat to them is not India but the enemy within. Thus if they don't fight this fight Pakistan could land up in the hands of the Taliban/Terrorists.

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