Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Health Care Reform = 900 Billion Dollars ?

The New York Times: Reports that the Senate version of the Health Care Reform Bill will cost 900 billion dollars. One word, rubbish, and the one area you can guarantee that costs will go up is health, its just a given, costs go up from the production of new drugs, better drugs for older conditions, the costs of Doctors and Nurses. The NHS costs billions, if a politicians tells you it will just cost 900 billion throw them in the stacks, it is not the truth. If your economy is going great then it is a great idea to make sure you have universal health care, but when you in a recession and your adding taxes then expect the worse. The one thing that is good from this health care bill is that the Democrats will lose Congress in 2010 and Obama will not be re-elected in 2012.


Unknown said...

You misunderstand. That $900 billion will NOT be used to provide health care for every American. We will still have to buy our insurance. Unless, of course, our employers provide it for us.

The $900 billion would be used to subsidize people who currently cannot afford insurance. At least most of it would. And that isn't $900 billion per year either. That money has to last for a 10 year period.

Also note that none of that money will go to the "public option" unless the people who receive those subsidies actually buy the public option plan. The public option is nothing more that a government administered health insurance plan that will compete directly with the insurance companies. People will have to pay premiums for it too.

There are actually several bills in Congress right now, and none of them were written by Obama's people. None of them has a $900 billion price tag either. That was just Obama's suggestion.

As far as raising taxes goes, so far nobody has suggested raising taxes on anyone earning less that $250K per year. And even then, they'd still be paying less in taxes than they did under Clinton, or Reagan for that matter. I don't believe in soaking the rich, but they should at least pay their fair share. Most people in that bracket pay less in total taxes than the average middle class tax payer. But even if they did raise my taxes, I'd be OK with it if my insurance premiums decreased even more.

The only way the Democrats lose is if they DON'T pass healthcare. You should be hoping for that.

VUK said...

Medical costs always go up, our own NHS has never seen a turn down in costs. Lets be honest here, you can cover all but at the cost that you have to tax people to the point that it does not seem worth while to work. The West one day will have to say NO, to the cover for all, its that simple and brutal. Simple question who wants to give 90% of your wage to the Government, that is the end cost folks. If Washington D.C tells you that costs will go down you are sucker, and as a famous American said, they are born every minute.