Sunday, July 05, 2009

The Economy is in the Toilet - The UK Chancellor of the Exchequer

The Sunday Times: Reports that the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling has admitted that the economy is in a worse state than the Government thought and there will be cuts. Some TRUTH from Labour at last, at least Mr Darling seems to know the difference between spin and truth, more that our PM. Mr Brown cant bring himself to tell the truth, there will be cuts in spending, there has to be cuts as we have raided the the old piggy bank just to much under Labour. The Governor of the Bank of England has stated that the Government cant spend any more, its about deep hard cuts in domestic spending folks, even the NHS will have to cut its spending. This is the time for the Labour Party to be reformist, it should state that people can not retire in till their 70, those born after 2010 will have to fund their own retirement later on in life. Those that earn a high salary will have to pay to use the NHS. Expensive drugs beyond government spending will have to be bought by the user, thus the need to develop an insurance for those that want expensive drugs down the line. DNA testing will tell the customer if he or she might develop an illness that needs expensive drugs to cure. Its hard a world, the truth is better than spin.

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