Sunday, July 05, 2009

Deaths in Afghanistan

MOD: Reports on the death of two more British Soldiers in combat operations in Afghanistan. The total of those killed in combat has now reached 144. Those that have died of accidents, illness and other incidents is now 29. In all 173 UK Armed Forces Personnel have died in Afghanistan. There will be more combat deaths, the Presidential Election in August in Afghanistan is to tempting a target for the Taliban/Terrorists. The surges by the USA and UK is an interesting move, the question is will the Taliban/Terrorists stand and fight. How long before the American Left start to see Afghanistan as another Iraq and start to place pressure on Obama to set an Exit route out of Afghanistan. The War in Afghanistan will take years, one thing about insurgents in Afghanistan, they have learnt to wait out the enemy, that goes for the UK in the 19th Century to the USSR in the 20th Century. Lets see if President Obama is tough enough to stand up to his base, if not he could face the fate of Jimmy Carter, Carter was seen as a weak President in Foreign Policy thus the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980, could Obama be defeated by Governor Palin of Alaska in 2012.

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