Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Iran CRITICAL of USA over Election

The New York Times: Reports that Iran has been critical of the USA over its response to the election in Iran. It can be argued that Obama has been more Jimmy Carter than Reagan, he has stressed that the opposition leader, Mir Hossein Mousavi has the same Foreign Policy as President Ahmadinejad, Mr Mousavi wants a nuclear armed Iran. President Obama and his Iran policy works better with Mr Ahmadinejad as President, he had denied that the Holocaust and now stolen an election. Thus the Obama Administration can go to the UN at the end of the year and state that Iran is going nuclear thus a threat to the region and world security and that the Ahmadinejad regime has stolen a domestic election. Thus in pure power politics terms the Obama Administration needs Ahmadinejad to stay as President, also Ahmadinejad wants to stay in power, thus the use of the Anti - American Card. As stated many times on this blog, Israel will have to clean up the mess, it will have to strike Iran before it goes nuclear.

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