Tuesday, April 07, 2009

The Ghosts of Past Administration

CNN News: Reports on the critical comments of former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright on how Bush 43 dealt with Korea. Lets recall that Mrs Albright was UN Ambassador and Secretary of State when Communist Korea began to become the threat it is today, from nuclear bombs to long range missiles. The Clinton Administration failed to deal with North Korea, it made deals that North Korea broke once the USA back was turned. On the other hand President Obama does not have much options, they are all bad, appeasement to military action, they all lead to risk down the line. It can be argued that Japan should be allowed to become a nuclear armed power, this would scare China and North Korea. The USA should offer a deal to China, Japan will not become a nuclear armed power if Korea toes the line, no more nuclear bombs and no long range missiles. In some cases you have to play hard ball, we have to stop North Korea now or it might be to late in the future.

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