Sunday, November 02, 2008

Iraq - 1 Test for Obama

LA Times: Interesting article in the Liberal Times, how Iraq could be the first test for Obama, as the article points out Iran and the terrorist have also been listening to Obama thus as the article states, " both the jihadists and the mullahs in Tehran are invested in not just an American withdrawal, but a humiliating one at that. " Thus as the article states it can be expected that the terrorists and Iran will up the violence in Iraq after the election. It could be argued that this will not happen, lets recall President George W. Bush is still in the White House and he has attacked Syria, if Iran over plays it hand Bush could attack Iran or allow Israel to attack. This kind of move would box in Obama. If Israel does attack during the Bush Presidency then Obama will have no choice but to support the move, his base will not be happy, was that the message that Biden was sending out when he stated that Obama would face a International Crisis within the first year.

After Obama becomes President in 2009, all bets are off, then expect the terrorists and Iran to test the President. Obama has to get USA troops out of Iraq for two reasons, the USA economy is in a mess, Iraq needs to carry its own load for security. Also Afghanistan will have some kind of Tet Offensive event, the terrorist will try to see how weak Obama is when faced with a crisis. The Obama Plan as stated in the Campaign it to get combat troops out of Iraq in sixteen months, well it should be faster, also a warning should be sent to Iran, there is a new Administration it can either talk and become part of the International Community or else. The first year of the Obama Administration will be a test for Obama and Western Security.

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