Have just seen the best film on DVD for ages, The Lives of Others, its a story about how East Germany controlled its population through fear and creating mistrust between people. This film shows why the Gipper was right when it came to Communism it was EVIL. The Communist system had to be not just removed it had to be destroyed. If any one stands up for the Communist States of the period show them this film. Reagan and Kennedy had it right, " Tear down this Wall, Mr Gorbachev, ", " We are all Berliners " When the issue is between good and evil between Democracy and dictatorship, the Cold War and the Berlin Wall showed that there was good and there was evil, Western Democracy against Communism. The right side won.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Secret Diary of a Call Girl - Review
Well to be honest I was not not sure what to expect with this new series. I am fan of Billie Piper, she was the heart of Dr Who, so viewed this with some concern. I loved it, it was funny, dramatic, and if David Tennant can do Casanova then our Billie can do something like this after Dr Who, hope she comes back sometime to the Tardis. The camera loves Billie Piper, we might lose her to Hollywood one of these days. Next year will vote for Billie Piper for best actress in the NTA awardes based on this show.
Iowa State Poll
Newsweek: A new poll from Iowa, Obama ahead, Clinton second and Edwards third.
Obama: 28 %
Clinton 24 %
Edwards 22 %
RealClearPolitics Average is Clinton ahead by 2.6 %
Obama: 28 %
Clinton 24 %
Edwards 22 %
RealClearPolitics Average is Clinton ahead by 2.6 %
Sunday Round Up
New York Times: A interesting article by Frank Rich, how the Beltway wisdom might not be right about 2008 Presidential race. A good article worth a read.
New York Times: As you would expect from the NYT, very critical of the US Supreme Court because it has turned right, when it was on the left the paper was happy.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Bush, France and the World
Washington Post: A very interesting article that looks how the new French President has changed the agenda, no longer appeasement to threats, how this helps Bush with Iran. Must Read.
Russian Revolution
BBC: Reports that the Missing bones of two children of the Last Tsar of Russia have been found. The bones of Alexei and Maria where missing from the rest of the family. The case is now closed, 1918 - 2007.
New York Times: Today the United States Senate urged the Bush Administration to state that the Revolutionary Guard Corps of Iran is a terrorist group. The Democrats are so afraid of the left they dithered so the got a water down resolution. NYT cant help itself goes on about the need for diplomatic talks, we have had that with Europe, its all hot air, very much like the NYT these days.
British Political Blogs Update
Update of British Blogs that are a must read:
Gudio: Has the result of the Conservative Race to be the candidate to fight K.L for Mayor. Its Mr Politics/Media himself, Boris Johnson. This will be fun race.
Iain Dale's Diary: Has an interesting story that Alex Salmond, yes that Alex Salmond of Scotland and Westminster might run against Gordon Brown if he calls an election. Agree with Iain on this why enter a fight you cant win, plus he is First Minister of Scotland. GB would have fun fighting him, would be a Brown landslide.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
New York Times: Interesting article that looks at the problem of dealing with Iran, how to cut off its aim of developing a nuclear bomb and the different methods that can be used from Economic to the last resort of Military. Of course for the Times it cant help itself, it wants to compare Iran to the old USSR thus the policy of containment. Don't recall any Soviet Leader stating he wanted to remove Israel from the face of the earth. Poor Times so sold out.
WSJ: A very critical view of the Bush policy via Iran. A lot of tough talk but not a lot of action. This has gone on for years. The Editorial States the following, " If the President believes half of what he and his Administration have said about Iran's behavior, he has an obligation to do whatever it takes to stop it. " As I have predicted the USA will attack Iran within the year.
New York Times: Poor NYT, one the one hand it can see Iran is a problem but in its hearts of heats it does not want to do anything, sole answer further talks, what does it think Europe as been doing for years. How a great Paper has fallen.
New York Post: The Article states the Truth, " Nothing the United Nations has to say - by way of resolutions, or even sanctions - will deter Tehran from its nuclear program. " This is a time for action from the West.
Some interesting articles that have caught my eye:
The Politico: How the Democrats have failed to move the Republicans on Iraq. When you sell your soul to the left don't expect any sympathy, your not going to get any from VIEWS.
The Politico: Argues that the Democrats could do more to end the war if not in fact but in symbolic gestures. Simple reason they don't they don't have the votes and they could lose votes. They would like to keep Congress in the next election. One does does hear the embers of the 1960s generation, the ones that never got over the fact that they got it wrong.
The Politico: How the Democrats have failed to move the Republicans on Iraq. When you sell your soul to the left don't expect any sympathy, your not going to get any from VIEWS.
Rather Again!! Part 1
New York Post: In the UK News Anchors don't give their own views on international events or on the whole critical of those that have had their jobs. It seems theses rules don't apply to Katie Couric, of late she has been critical of President Bush and of Dan Rather. When your not No 1 in the news ratings I guess you have to take cheap shots to get some press attention.
New State Poll
CNN: Has a new poll in the State of New Hampshire, Romney is still leading but only by 1% point from Giuliani, the state polls are catching up with the national polls. McCain is back with a jump of six points. If Iraq can be turned around, and McCain is seen as one of the reasons, see McCain coming back, he does not have a lot of time, but still enough to turn things around in his campaign.
Rather Again!!
It seems that Dan Rather is out to annoy everyone from CBS to Presidents and Ex - Presidents. In a recent interview he seems to have given the impression that he wants to have current President George W. Bush and his father to be a witness's in his law suit against CBS. Has Dan the man lost the plot, what next Karl Rove!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Clinton's VP Choice?
The Politico: Interesting article on how Obama could became the VP to Hillary Clinton. But as the article states this is not on the cards. I share the articles view, Obama needs to win and pick any one but Hillary Clinton.
Clinton Effect?
The Telegraph ( UK ): Interesting article, how Hillary Clinton could have a negative effect on the Democratic Party around the country. WORTH A READ.
Iran Politics
Even a non legal resolution has problems in the Senate, a resolution that would condemn the Islamic Revolutionary Guard for its actions has problems getting through because the Democratic Party has sold its soul to the left wing. Of all countries for the Democratic Party to give cover to, Iran, they seem to have forgotten that it was the hostage crisis that bought down President Jimmy Carter. The left and the Democratic Party is heading the way of the Appeasement movement in of the 1930s.
Washington Post: An interesting Editorial by the post, the problems of getting the world to react to President Ahmadinejad and Iran. This is a prediction, War with Iran within a year. Today is 26/9/07 by 26/9/08 the USA and its allies will have attacked Iran. The attack will be done with air power, the attack will come after a failure of Diplomacy to remove the threat of a nuclear Iran. The effects of the strike will have a major effect on the 2008 Elections.
The Truth, Politics and Iraq
Salon: If your a Democrat and want to win the White House in 2008, read this article. The article is to the point, the Congress cant change Bush Policy and it can not afford to go off the cliff with the left wing of the Democratic Party. The article states the following, the Truth and nothing but the Truth, " the Iraq war is no longer going to be waged in the chambers of Congress. The coming battleground instead is the familiar terrain of Ohio and Florida.." The 2008 Election will decide the future of the USA in Iraq.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Titanic Key
To miss quote Mr S. " For a Key a ship that could have been saved " A Key that might have saved the Titanic was sold today for Ninety thousand pounds. Politics come and go, that goes for Presidents and Prime Ministers, but the Titanic is in some respects is forever. Hand on heart can you name the President of the United States in April of 1912 or the UK Prime Minister in April 1912. It was Taft and Asquith but that is the not the point, the Titanic is more than than a object it is part of our common memeory our DNA in some respects.
Monday, September 24, 2007
The New York Times is sorry for the add it ran by MoveOn, what about its other reporting, is it sorry about that, we shall see....
Brown and Election!
I might be wrong but I don't think Gordon Brown will call an election, not this year, this is the man who waited and waited to became Prime Minister, polls are good, but I recall 1992. I don't trust the British people to give truth full answers to questions like that, they have became more canny of telling polling people what they want to hear. I could be wrong but I just doubt he will call an election, in less the economy is going to go down the toilet, War with Iran is coming, then all bets are off, quick election before the problems start, but your guess is as good as mine on this issue reader.
Syria and Israel
The New Republic: A very good article by the respected Diplomat, Dennis Ross, on the strike on Syria by Israel, Ross writes the following, " Israel's raid against the Syrian plant reflects the use of a military instrument applied quite selectively to affect the psychologies of many different actors on the world stage. " This means the West is told, if they don't react over Iran Israel will and the Middle East is told, Israel will not wait for a Arab Nation to develop a nuclear bomb.
Clinton on the LEFT
NY Daily News: Very interesting article on how Hillary Clinton has lurched to the left. How this could be trouble next year if Iraq turns around.
Rather Part Four
Washington Post: Another attack on Dan Rather, at its most basic its calling him a egomaniac and a plonker ( British Slang term for not a bright person ). Its shows how unpopular really is in the Media Industry. Walter Cronkite never had this to deal with after leaving CBS News. The rumour is that Rather kept Cronkite off the air as he wanted to be the face of CBS News.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Meet the Press
Have just Hillary Clilnton on Meet the Press, Hillary Clinton might become the Democratic Nominee for President in 2008 but she wont win, the Clinton Camp has thrown in the towel with the radical left. This is my prediction for the 2008 process, Clinton should win the Nomination over Obama, Obama becames the Vice - President Nominee. The Negatives for Clinton will go higher, they Democrats think they are high now, wait in till the Republicans and their allies start on her. Just read or watch the first few minutes of the introduction on Meet Press, Hillary Clinton has been all over the place on Iraq.
In 1984 election the Reagan Team had a very good commercial which showed the views of Walter Mondale on the Invasion of Grenada in 1983, all over the place. Think the commercials that can be produced on Hillary Clinton and even more how her own husbands record could be used against her for good and ill. As it will be the Republicans the aim will be very negative. Lets be honest here, women to get elected have to show that they are strong, going out about Health care is major mistake to combine that with cutting off funding for the troops is going down the road that could but Hillary Clinton in the following bracket, George McGovern, Walter Mondale, Michael Dukakis. The road has been paved for Hillary Clinton and the funny thing about the whole business is that she is creating her own defeat.
Workers Rights
Those that are kind to read my blog might have noticed that VIEWS took a few days off, yes he was off to sunny climbs on the beach with a good book and not so good woman, if that was sooo.. In fact VIEWS took a temporary Admin job, he was let go after a week. Not even a thank you from the Management or a reason why, got that from the agency. Temporary Workers need to be protected, if those that come here to work are protected what about those born here. All Temporary works need proper protection in the work place. VIEWS supported Lady Thatcher and her reform of Trade Union Law, but and this is a major but, workers who work hard least deserve the the right of courtesy.
Democrats on Iraq
Washington Post: The Democrats have had a bad week when it comes to Iraq, they have lost all the votes to change policy but they still go on, here is my prediction for next year, Iraq was thought to be a cancer that would hurt the Republicans. I think Iraq and the Anti - War Movement could be a cancer that really hurts the Democrats in 2008.
Rather Part 3
National Review: Having a real go at Dan Rather for his law suit, being British VIEWS does not like it when no one will stand up for Rather as far as VIEWS can see from over water. Go Dan!!
Rather Part Two
MSNBC: Is having fun at the expense of CBS and why not, looking at the Rather mess and the reasons for his law suite against his old company, a underline view is that an old reporter seeking the stage one last time. But although VIEWS has his problems with Rather he has not dismissed the idea that Rather has a point about how how was treated by CBS.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Deaths in Afghanistan
Deaths in Afghanistan this week by combat and accident. Depressing figures, UK losses now stand at 81.
Terrorism and the Law
Terrorists are not ordinary criminals thus they don't deserve the rights that we grant to all people that come under the legal system. The Democrats should smell the COFFEE.
NYT: A fair article on the Democratic Defeat in the Senate when it comes to Iraq. I was surprised.
Its seems old reports don't retire with grace they just sue. Dan Rather was not one of VIEWS favorite reporters, VIEWS would sometimes watch the CBS News and he would be able to say what Rather was going to say, how is the question, he is a Liberal and with the George W. Bush Vietnam story he wanted it to be true, so much so he jumped off a cliff and took his career with him. Today he is suing his old station, giving the appearance that he was just a puppet of CBS, so sad, so sad.
Bush Victory
CNN: Reports that the Democrats have suffered a set back in their policy aim of reducing troops in Iraq. In the Senate the Democrats failed to get sixty votes required to end debate on the issue of placing restrictions on the time of movement of troops in and out of Iraq. This is a war, the President cant have his War Policy decided by over 100 would be Presidents. Victory is needed in Iraq not surrender or the appearance of surrender.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
The Sunday Times ( UK ): A very thorougher and interesting article on the attack on Syria by Israel. The article looks at the many possible reasons. VIEWS has been very curious by the lack of reaction by Syria, complaints but nothing more very interesting, seem to be open season on Syria. If Syria is that weak that it cant react perhaps the USA could come in and try to start talks. Syria helps the USA in Iraq and Syria can became like Libya and became part of the international community. In other words Israel cant just attack without some reaction somewhere.
Daily Telegraph ( UK ): Interesting article on the prospects of air attacks on Iran to prevent them going nuclear. The one thing the West can not afford is a nuclear armed Iran.
New AG?
CNN: Reports that Michael B. Mukasey formally a Judge is in the frame to be the new Attorney General.
A President
The Boston Globe: A interesting article that looks at the powerful groups within the Republican and Democratic Party, and when and when not a Candidate can stand up to them. This comes off attack on General Petraeus by MoveON.org the Liberal pressure group. The Democrats need them and their money, that is pure politics and reality.
Meet the Press
Just saw Senator John McCain on Meet the Press, very good performance, shows why he would be a great President, a realist when it comes to Iraq but also kept his eye on the Democrats to show that when it comes to National Security that they are weak, McCain has learned the lessons of the Vietnam War, while the Democratic Opposition think their opposition to the war was a highlight in their history.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Bush and Iraq

Last night the President in his speech stated the following highlights on the policy of the United States in Iraq " our success in meeting these objectives now allows us to begin bringing some of our troops home. " Although the government of Iraq has been slow it has achieved the following, " Iraq's national leaders are getting some things done. For example, they have passed a budget. They're sharing oil revenues with the provinces. They're allowing former Baathists to rejoin Iraq's military or receive government pensions. Local reconciliation is taking place. The key now is to link this progress in the provinces to progress in Baghdad. As local politics change, so will national politics. " The success in Iraq allows for more troops to come home as stated in a report to Congress, " Now, because of the measure of success we are seeing in Iraq, we can begin seeing troops come home. The way forward I have described tonight makes it possible, for the first time in years, for people who have been on opposite sides of this difficult debate to come together." The policy in Iraq with follow the pattern of after World War Two and the Korean War, when American Troops have bases in these countries. Failure would benefit Iran and terrorists in the region. In the end the President is still convinced that he can win when it comes to Iraq.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Lets us always remember 9/11, never forget, never forget.
Two Winners from Report
Well it looks like Bush has won this round with the Democrats but also another winner is Senator John McCain, could he come from behind and win the Republican nomination in 2008.
Beltway Truth
The Washington Post: The post has the truth about Iraq, it writes, " the surge has done what the administration needed it to do. " The Democrats don't have the votes from the Republicans to end the war. At least the Post will speak reality to Democrats.
Left and Iraq
The New York Times: The Editorial from the Times shows why the once great paper of record should be seen as it is, an extreme left wing paper, that the old USSR used to be produced. They are not interested in success in Iraq, they need failure if they are wrong about this why bother reading the Paper. NYT writes " ....American leaders would start looking at serious alternative strategies — like the early, prudent withdrawal of troops that we favor. " HENCE FORTH PEOPLE DONT READ THE NYT FOR THE FACTS ABOUT IRAQ THEY HAVE A LEFT WING AGENDA.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Petraeus Report
CNN: The Report of General Petraeus in Full.
Iraq Working
Washington Post: The words the DEMOCRATS don't want to hear about Iraq. The new strategy is working and the Congress should keep their nose out of military matters. The Diplomacy is slow but its getting there, Rome was not built in a day neither was the British Empire. Lets see how the Elite Defeat Main Stream Media plays the politics of Iraq.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Views is waiting to hear the Reports to Congress on the how Iraq is going, lot of articles but might as well wait for first hand reports from the men on the ground military and diplomatic.
Deaths in Afghanistan
More deaths in Afghanistan, the UK has know lost 78 UK Service Personnel.
Meet the Press
Interesting interview on Meet the Press with Senator Joe Biden, a honest politician, the Democrats don't have the votes to change the policy on Iraq and the Senator wont pander to the left and cut off money to the military. The Senator wont be the Democratic Nominee but at least he was honest.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Thompson on The Tonight Show
Have to admit Thompson has the Reagan charm, very good on the Tonight Show. RCP Video of Thompson on The Tonight Show. Grade A +.
Elite Media on Thompson
Washington Post: How Thompson effect could change the Republican race but also how the race has developed the high and lows for other candidates through this period and their debating skills in the Debate. VERY FAIR ARTICLE.
New York Times: Looks at how Thompson has entered the race and some of the problems it has caused in more traditional areas. But on the whole a very fair article.
Republican Debate
When History is working for you, you can do no wrong in politics, Ronald Reagan was right about the Soviet Union, all the experts in the USA who wanted to talk and deal with the USSR as a equal of the USA had gotten this Issue wrong. Senator McCain had supported the Bush Administration in Iraq, thus his campaign had to suffer the consequences. This time history might be working for Senator McCain, is Iraq turning a corner, can he became the Front Runner in the Republican Field.
In the Debate McCain looked good and he had Iraq as an Issue. Governor Romney looked he had spent to much time with Democrats, he took the middle road and thus McCain could go on the attack. Giuliani stressed his role not alone on 9/11 but through his time in New York, his record in New York is great, changed the placed for the better, best record of all the crowd.
After watching the Debate, score cards from VIEWS: McCain A+, Giuliani A, Romney C -. Will this change the polls, time will tell.
Democratic Party and Iraq
The Democratic Party made a deal with Appeasement, slight problem Iraq just might have turned the corner. The NYT reports that the Democrats in Congress are know open to compromise as to get 60 votes to end a Republican Filibuster of their ideas for Iraq. The problem is its a game, the President would Veto any Democratic Time Table for getting out of Iraq. If it is true that the the reports on Iraq will show success it is doubtful they can get 60 votes, but even if they did they could not get 67 votes to over turn a Presidential Veto. The President should stand tough and force the Democrats to see what happens when you make deal with Appeasement.
Is Thompson the New Reagan?
Have a look at Fred Thompson's first Presidential Add. Is he the new Reagan. Recall some of the Reagan adds from the 1980 campaign, one with the Statue of Liberty as background, that is a entrance.
Thompson on the Trail
Fred Thompson the new Ronald Reagan is to announce tonight that he is running for President. Is Thompson the new Reagan? Time will tell.
More Deaths in Afghanistan
The BBC reports that two more soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan, those killed in Operational Theatre has reached 76. Afghanistan will claim more UK Service Personnel, VIEWS cant see a out, there will be more deaths.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Gore on 2000
Drudge Report reports the views of former Vice President Al Gore on the 2000 Election. Views has his doubts that Gore will run 2008.
What Liberals Think?
San Francisco Chronicle: Want to know what Liberals in Congress really want in Iraq, read this article, BE VERY AFRAID.
Bush and the future
USA Today: A very interesting article on the short and long term prospects of the Bush Presidency. The White House should read this article and learn.
Snap Election?
The real political world has returned to Earth, a new Poll has Labour and the Conservatives neck and neck. The actual results are from a Poll in the London Times.
Labour 37 %
Conservatives 36 %
Liberal Democrats 18 %
The Prime Minister will not take risk with polls like these, next year could be better of course or worse.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Fred Thompson on the 2008 Trail
Newsweek: Fred Thompson on the Campaign trail, can he be another Ronald Reagan. Being a Film, TV star does not mean your good with people, in fact quite the reverse, actors tend to be shy that why they like acting as someone else, The Gipper, Arnie are the exception. Is Fred another Reagan
Arthur Miller Article
Arthur Miller: A critical view of Arthur Miller, must admit as not a very good writer myself and a flawed human being am loath to throw stones at a very good writer but also a flawed man. If your flawed do you produce good work, is being flawed the bud that can create good works.
Bush and the Future?
New York Times: A interesting article in the NYT on how President George W. Bush sees his future after his term comes to an end on the 20 January 2009. A good read for a Sunday article on Bush.
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