Tuesday, July 02, 2024

1st House Democrat calls for Biden to step down - 2024 Candidates/ 2024 General Election

Lets Get Real:

The money men are worried about Biden, now it is a member of the House, one does wonder how many he represents, the White House can push Biden out, but with the teleprompter it is no use, POTUS has to take questions from the press, he cannot spend the next few months hiding in the Delaware or White House bunker.   The press think they have been conned by the Biden White House, they want a no holds barred press conference, Biden must be seen to answer questions, hard questions, not, helpful questions from the LIBERAL PRESS, or a tough interview on Fox or even CNN, they wont be that hard on him.  Any press conference or interview has to be live, if he can not handle that then Biden should leave the race.  This blog thinks he will stay, it shows that the nation's security does not matte, its all about Presidential ego and the Democrats are afraid!

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