Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Russia WARNS of NUCLEAR reaction to drone Strikes on the Kremlin, Ukraine - Russia War - Biden

Lets Get Real:

The more threats from Russia, one starts to believe that the drone strike on the Kremlin was a false flag operation, as mention in previous post, Putin might be at the end of his tether, and wants to finish the Ukraine WAR by winning, he and his government have made threats to use nuclear weapons but has done nothing, Putin is already a War Criminal, so why not use nukes on the Ukraine troops and their new offensive or hit Kyiv with a tactical nuclear weapon, it would end the WAR in the eyes of Russia and allow the mess to be cleared up by the EU and NATO.  This blog has discounted the previous Russian nuclear threats, not this one, the Russian leadership does not want to be overthrown like Tsar Nicholas II, thus the WEST should be wary at this moment, Russia might start WW3 in attempt to save Putin. 


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