Friday, May 19, 2023

US Debt Ceiling Update Part 5 - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The Republicans must not blink, whatever the Biden Oval says or the liberal news media like CNN.  Donald Trump has stated that the Republicans should ask for the kitchen sink when it comes to their demands.  The ONLY threat that Biden has is that there will be economic consequences if the debt ceiling is not risen.  At present the US has a debt of 31.4 trillion, at what point does the bank manager call that in, it will happen when the US does not expect it, when US has to protect Taiwan should China invade or when Russia uses  WMD in the Ukraine.  It can be argued that is better for the US to deal with the debt NOW, before the election cycle for 2024 really starts with the Florida Governor stating that he is running for the Oval Office next week.  Let's see the US political system grow up and deal with real issues that are the concern of the US voter, inflation etc.  This is the reason that Biden's poll numbers are in the toilet, the Biden Oval is perceived as not understanding the worries of the US voter. 

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