Tuesday, May 30, 2023

A Real Drone Attack on Moscow or a False Flag operation ? - Ukraine - Russia War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

There are 3 options to the Drone attack on Moscow, that before the Ukraine offensive that Ukraine wants to divert Moscow about its plans, that the drones were a Russian false flag operation as to cause problems in the West, the US has stated it does not support attacks on Russia prober or there is a 3rd Party.   This is hard because Western sources, the US or the UK have not released their intelligence of the event and the Western press cannot get close to the shot down drones, thus any theory is a guess at best, and that is risky, Mr Sherlock Holmes would not be happy with this giving its view without more information, that is the risk of blogging.  

Thus this blog is going with a False Flag operation, the Russia Regime wants to gain public support for the their Special Military Operation, the Russian death toll is going up, also it force the West to ask question of the Kyiv Government, that is what Moscow wants to cause the West to worry about the Ukraine plan and reduce its support.  That is something that the West must not do, it must back the Ukraine, the Kyiv Government cannot lose, if they lose the West loses and Putin WINS.  The West is in a New Cold WAR with the Russia and the Putin Regime, we must need for Putin to be overthrown in Moscow. 

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