Saturday, September 17, 2022

War Crimes found in Areas under previous Russian Control - Russian - Ukraine War

Lets Get Real:

The Ukraine advance in the North East has found many graves that can be called WAR CRIMES, the Russians have a lot to answer for, the question is what will Putin do next, he is on the back foot and he needs to keep support at home, even Russian Nationalists are now calling for more extreme action, the common call is for a low level nuclear assault on the Ukraine, in recent interview POTUS has stated that the Russians should not use chemical or nuclear weapons, the US would react, but the Biden Oval is ambiguous about US reaction.  One has to believe that Putin is not that MAD, yes he is a WAR CRIMINAL, he started an illegal WAR, and as allowed his troops to run wild, committing MURDER, RAPE, THEFT to name a few crimes. Russian Forces have bombed schools and hospitals and other vital structures in the Ukraine.  The question is what will PUTIN DO NEXT, call his special military operation a WAR and order mass conscription, that would be risky, and what happens if that does not work, at what point is Putin over thrown?  That is a question that many in the West and Russia are asking.  

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