Wednesday, September 21, 2022

The Russian - Ukraine War Update - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

This latest action by the Kremlin, is already having an effect on the Russian people, well men in general, they see were the dots LEAD, that is in uniform and in becoming cannon fodder in the Ukraine.  It is reported that the flights out of Russia are booked up, and they are one way.  The partial mobilisation by Russia lead to 1914 and World War One,  while Imperial Russia took time to get ready, the Germans seeing the threat carried on with their WAR PLANS.  Thus World War 1.  One can assume that Putin will not like the comparison between himself and Tsar Nicholas II, a failed WAR leader that was forced to abdicate, then later while in Communists hands, the Tsar and his family were executed.  The Russians in this case Putin will have to go to for a general mobilisation, once the leaders in the Russian held lands in the Ukraine have their fixed referendums, thus in Russian eyes are part of Russia.  By Russian view once the elections are finished and 15% of Ukraine wants to become part of Russia, then nuclear weapons can be used to safe the Motherland.  The question has to be asked, is Putin bluffing, or would he really use a nuclear weapon in the Ukraine, that is the OPEN QUESTION, one really hopes he is bluffing or that the rich people around him, fearing having to breath radiation will DO SOMETHING and FAST. 

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