Thursday, March 17, 2022

KYIV under threat of starvation from the Russians - Russian - Ukraine War - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

The World NOW knows if it didn't before how EVIL the Putin Regime is, it will bomb major Cities, it will bomb buildings full of residential homes and at its most evil it will bomb children, NOW the Putin regime is trying to STARVE the people of Ukraine, at what point does the WEST say NO, and get food in to the Ukraine, the West might have to drop food in the Ukraine if the Russians are successful in surrounding the TOWNS and CITIES, an airlift would have to be protected by NATO as the Russians might shoot it down, the Kremlin would have to be warned, that the WEST was doing this, make it clear that any action would be considered WAR.  The West has to make sure that Putin is seen to lose and to actually lose, this kind of EVIL has to be stopped before it goes to WW3.

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