Tuesday, December 21, 2021

How NOT to Treat a US Senator, who gives you the Majority - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

This is a very BAD IDEA by the Democratic Leaders of the US Senate, if you force Manchin to vote NO on numerous times just to appease the Democratic Base, he could just leave and join the Republicans, he would get a better reception and would treat the Democrats a lesson, never appease a extreme base, the Twitter World is not the universe of REAL VOTERS, its just people listening to other people agree with them, and in this case it is true, the LIBERALS in the Democratic Party CANNOT count, well give the American Education System that is a shock, Manchin allows the Democrats to control the US Senate and get their nominees through from Judges to Cabinet appointments and other posts, without Manchin they would NOT have that power.  As a canny operator, Manchin has give the Biden OVAL a OUT, he stated that it was the White House Staff who were out of order, and the White House after its ill tempered statement is trying to roll back the attack of the White House, the problem is that the liberal elite media, think that AOC and her Squad are the real leaders of the Democratic Party and Nancy Pelosi the House Speaker has lost the ability to count, how many times can see get her moderates to pass things if he only dies in the Senate, the Democrats only have a 3 to 4 seat majority in the House, those members will be looking at re-election next year, they do not want to be seen as trench Fodder for LIBERL DEMORATS from safe seats.  It is time the moderates in the House and Senate drew in their leadership, the main message should be, TIME TO PLAY NICE with Manchin, we need him MORE that he needs us. 

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