Friday, November 26, 2021

Russian backed Coup Attempt in the Ukraine SET for December - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

It seems the Russians will use the Coup attempt and the reaction to it to invade the Ukraine before the snows arrive.  This would really but Biden behind the 8th ball, what will he do, already there are talks of sending advisers and arms to Ukraine, will the cautions political operatives be overruled by the President.  Let's be CLEAR, Biden cannot afford another big loss on the international front, he is already the President that lost Afghanistan, does he also want to be the President that lost a Democratic Ukraine to the Putin of Russia.  If Biden was not gaga, he would sent holiday visit by Americans combat soldiers, just to show that there is a RED LINE in the Ukraine, and that any movement to invade could lead to something terrible, ALL OUT WAR, even Putin does not want that, he could not control it, there are allegations that Putin is ill with Parkinson, also he has a young family and a bolt hole in another Country, would he risk ALL THAT, if he invades and is pushed back, he could be toppled from power, will Putin take the risk? 8/10 No, this blog could be WRONG. 

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