Monday, November 08, 2021

Overnight ratings for Doctor Who War of The Sontarans - Arts

Lets Get Real:

This was the 2nd part of six, unusual for modern Doctor Who to have just one story for the whole season, the reason for six is that it is down to that dreadful COVID - 19.  Thus fans should be grateful.  As to the episode, we have the return of the Sontrarans and a Temporal invasion under the cover of our shield given to Earth by our best friends, DOGS, the Sontrarans invade various parts of Earth History, well British history, we found the Doctor and fam in the Middle of the Crimean War, without giving to much away, it was Sontranans 1 - British Empire 0 when it comes to battle, also they were easily defeated by a WOK and a Dog, the Doctor had no idea how she/he ended up in the Crimea and found that Russia had gone, it was under the control of the Sontranans, thus Earth History was being changed.   In the end the Sotranans were defeated because they did not have a guard on while they restored their suits, a British General blew up the space ships of the Sontranas did a strategic retreat, the Doctor was not happy, the General was right on that, If I has just seen my soldiers killed by a bunch of potato heads I would want to put the boot in, this time the Doctor did not take revenge on the General, perhaps the Doctor has has learned from past mistakes, or she/he is sexist, who knows.  The Tardis fam had their separate adventures, Dan knocked out a few sontranans with his WOK, ended the invasion of modern Earth with his dog protector.  While the Doctor other companion was captured by the background enemy, that is for next week.   One hopes past viewers come back, this is a good season for the 13th Doctor to go out on, also there are specials next year, one does wonder, will our favourite Time Lord be male/female or non binary ( God I read to much of the Guardian )  in her/him regeneration.  

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