Friday, April 02, 2021

Biden on Ukraine - New Cold War 2 - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

President Putin could be playing Biden, seeing how he will react with a REAL foreign policy crisis, this is the same thought that could be going on in North Korea.  As Biden has shown by his appeasement of Tehran, that the Biden OVAL does not have a real backbone, will he really go man to man with Putin over the Ukraine, the Eastern Countries in NATO will also be looking, can they trust the US to come to their support should Putin try something in the Baltic States and Poland.  One has to assume that Putin is SANE, he must know any attack on a NATO country could lead to War, it really depends if Putin is really ill, he might want to go out with the World in flames, on the other hand he has a young family according to Western reports, will he really want to do something dangerous that could lead to a nuclear war, ONE HAS DOUBTS, let's hope this is play time for Putin. 

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