Wednesday, March 10, 2021

EU lies about the UK when it comes to COVID - 19 vaccine - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The EU is in such a mess over its COVID - 19 vaccination policy, that it is thrashing about looking for someone one to blame, the EU has LIED about the UK having an export ban on the COVID - 19 vaccine.   The Foreign Secretary should give the EU representative a good dressing down  when he turns up for a meeting.  The UK should consider quitting the Brexit Deal, the EU can not be trusted and its allegations are an insult to the UK and its people.  Ever since the UK left the EU they have been seeking ways to punish the good UK voter for having LEFT THE EU, it is a right of a DEMOCACY to decide what institutions it is part off.  The EU was much better when it was the EEC, the UK voter voted for that, the EU was the crazy thoughts of Brussels types, who think they are the World, were in fact they are small bubble of a very small bubble. 

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