Friday, February 26, 2021

Biden's sanctions on Saudi Arabia EXPECTED - Biden Era

BBC News: Reports on the release of US intelligence report that states that the Washington Post writer, Jamal Khashoggi was killed on the orders of the Saudi Crown Prince, the article states the following, "  Biden administration is considering the cancellation of arms deals with Saudi Arabia that pose human rights concerns as well as the limiting of future military sales to "defensive" weapons. "

Lets Get Real:

Thus the Biden Oval has learned nothing from the failure of the 1970s and the Administration of Jimmy Carter, sometime down the road the US will need SA support for some action, and they will have to decide what matters most, morality or pure real politic.   The American people knew who they were getting when they elected President Biden, thus the US can expect four years of non leadership, the limited attack on Iran backed group in Syria and this slap in the face to an ally.  One would have thought that Biden with his years in the Senate and Vice - President would have learned something, it seems NOT.  Presidential weakness in the US leads to other actors taking the stage, and its not the benefit of the West.

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