Sunday, November 01, 2020

Trump to declare himself the victor on Tuesday - Election Night Part 2 - US Presidential Election

Lets Get Real:

Even POTUS must KNOW that to declare himself the victor on the night before most of the votes are counted is a MAD IDEA, then to claim if the votes go against him that its FRAUD.  One just hopes that a big Biden win ends all that talk, it would look BAD for Trump and for his political legacy, there are other Trumps want to run for public office.  As the Democrats go on and on about, also CNN, a lot of mail in voting will not be checked on the night or even days later, thus if it is a close election ( one has doubts about that ) then they count.  POTUS would look crazy if he stated he had won and then LOST.  The transitional period would be a nightmare, the election could be thrown in to the Courts.

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