Friday, June 12, 2020

Economy FALLS by 20.4% - COVID - 19 Update 1 - Health/Economy

After the good news on Brexit, here is the bad news on the economy!!

Lets Get Real:

The gloomy predictions for the economy have been around for a few weeks, the biggest recession since the early 18th Century.  It will be the job of the Bank of England and the UK Treasury to get the Ship of State stable and ready for Brexit at the end of the year.  The UK Government should borrow billions and pay it off over decades, and then invest in the economy with tax cuts and lower business rates, that will drive the EU mad, some good news there then.  The next few years could be dire, high unemployment and inflation will come back sooner or later, thus prices will go up and so will mortgages.  One crisis at a time, thank goodness PM Boris has a majority of 80, these MPs should recall the early 80s, they have to stand up for the Government and accept that the polls will not always be good. 

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