Wednesday, February 05, 2020

The Iowa Fiasco - The Results at the moment - US Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

This blog started to watch the Iowa results from 8pm on Tuesday, it is NOW Wednesday and only 71% of the results have come through, at the top at present is Mayor Pete with Sanders breathing down his neck, while former VP Biden is fourth, and lucky at that, the question is can Biden recover, or will he lose New Hampshire also, if that happens the money givers to Biden will start to question if he is up to the job.  The Biden Campaign was smart to lower expectations for the early States, the campaign states it has a firewall in S. C, that the African American vote will save Biden and make ready for Super Tuesday.  The African - American voters do watch the news, will they think Biden is a LOSER against Trump in November and move to either Mayor Pete who has dealt with the negativity because he is gay or will they go for the arch liberal socialist Sanders.   New Hampshire could either make Biden the new comeback kid or he could be the sinking Titanic. 

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