Thursday, February 07, 2019

Dirty Politics of Virginia, Part 3 - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

This blog does not normally sorry for Democrats, but with the case of the Virginia Governor, the Lt. Governor and now the Attorney General one has to feel that the voters have been defrauded by the Democratic Establishment.  As stated in this blog Governor Northam's record should have been checked, even more so by the Republicans, with Lt. Governor the Party should have had defence strategy in place in case the information came out, as to the Attorney General who has called for the Governor to quiet he comes across as a hypocrite of the FIRST ORDER.   It should be noted that the first two both deny the allegations, the Governor at first stated that he was in a picture that has some who had blackened up and another person in the outfit of the KKK.   The next day he stated that he was not in the picture, but had done an impression of a singer in a singing contest, he had blackened his face.   As for the Lt. Governor he has denied the allegation of sexual assault, and has hired lawyers to deal with the case.   The political context is simple, there are elections in Virginia, and the Democrats had a good chance of taking both Chambers, one has to ask will the African - American vote still go for the Democrats with these scandals.   Then we come to 2020, if the above stay in OFFICE, what will the Democratic candidates do, skip Virginia, go there but not have the main OFFICE HOLDERS by their side.  If one did not know better one would think that POTUS was paying Democratic pols to screw up the election for the Democrats. 

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